Friday, December 24, 2010

Settling in

Outside is a cool 7degrees today, this doesn't feel like my kind of Christmas at all. Although clearly somethings are a little different this time round, there is still that familiarity of the season. People outside scrambling around trying to buy last minute presents, children everywhere talking about the imminent arrival of good ole Saint Nick and public transport is still a nightmare. My prep for Christmas this year is going to be very low key. A few little pressies still to buy but mostly just taking it easy. Last night was special though as i went to Stanley Park for the Bright Nights. Lots of beautiful Christmas lights throughout the park made for a great night.

Christmas day itself will be spent mostly with good friends. I am however also volunteering at a homeless shelter from 11-4pm, something which I've always wanted to do especially on Christmas day. Help share the joy of Christmas!

Anyway, the past 2 weeks have been awesome. Some highlights include;
  • Seeing it SNOW for the very first time in Sooke and getting to experience it with friends
  • Driving around Ash and I on the opposite side of the road ;)
  • Hitting up all the sites- Granville Island, Stanley Park, Gastown, Chinatown, Robson Street etc
  • Hiking through Lynn Canyon Park
  • Wrestlefest 2010 and
  • The Three amigos on the drink again

Playing on the side of the road as i saw it snow for the first time EVER!
One of my favourite photos

Let it snow!!!

The Three Amigos together again

Lynn Canyon suspension bridge
Classical Chinese Garden
The next week brings some more fun. After a full on Christmas day, Boxing Day will mostly be spent on my ass as Devon is taking me Snowboarding. I'm imagining though its going to be pretty different to my usual 'boarding' in the sand dunes on Moreton Island.

New York is coming up and the New Year. Things are looking good!!!!!!!!
Actually I'm after some help from you all. I'm looking at completing some challenges whilst travelling around. Please hit me up with some interesting things to do... go on, make it good.

Catch ya

Monday, December 13, 2010

The arrival!!!

After a marathon effort to get to Vancouver i can now say its all been worth it. 42 hours of travelling, 3 flights and little sleep has resulted in one jet lagged person. I haven't really sleeped so much since being here either, especially since i've been staying with Devon. The little sleep i have had has more so been a case of crash/pass out than having a decent nights sleep but i wouldn't have it any other way. Oh FYI, everyone should fly with V Australia.... BEST AIRLINE EVER They even have usb ports on the back of the seats to charge your ipod. Its the small things that make the difference :)

I've already been able to catch up with so many old friends and had the chance to meet some new ones. Lots of fun has been had, many drinks have been shared and there has already been a mega hangover. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Im not going to lie, its bloody cold here too but not as bad as i thought it would be. Yesterday i literally walked out with 5 layers on. YES 5 and i was relatively warm.

Heading off to Victoria tomorrow to catch up Miss Sarah Gibson... the one and only. There should be some mad adventures about to go down there. Bring it on!!!! Some future plans are to go see an ice hockey game, try snowboarding, check out all the christmas activities in downtown, journey out to Kelowna at some time and anything and everything in between.

Stay tuned for updates.

Catch ya on the flip side.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Let the games begin!

Well, well, well, three holes in the ground.. bah boom cha.

Ok im not always going to be as disturbing as that last comment haha.

The time has come for me to put on my hiking boots (the ones i havent bought yet) and leave on a big jet plane.
First stop... Canada!!!!!!!!! Thats right the Canaussie is on her way. Cant wait to catch up with everyone again and share some more good times.

This last week has been a little hectic. Chaos to the max, with three christmas parties and my own going away party. Lots of fun, lots of booze, a few distant memories all shared with some awesome people. I know there are a lot more to come and i CAN'T WAIT.

In the mean time i have lots of endless errands coming up, also U2 (hell to the yeah) and then take off on Thursday. Thanks again to all those people who have made an effort to see me off. Your kind words and actions will forever be appreciated.

Catch ya on the flip side
